Dear guests!

Here you have an opportunity to write down your comments, to exchange opinions with other readers of this site, to ask questions or just to establish new contacts.

We would love it if you would Add to this guestbook we are keeping!

Name: H.Boerman
Date: 25.11.2004
Wдhrend unserem aufenthalt in Moskou waren wir, meine Frau und ich , sehr angenehm ьberrsascht vom demm Qualitдten des Stimmen in der Kirche wo wir entgegnet wurden mit das Chor. Eine Cd war sehr erraschend und wird mehrmahls gedreht. Wir fragen uns ab wan und wo das Ghor inach das Ausland kommt z.b. nach Holland. grьsse, Henk Boerman, Holland

Name: Gordon Brock
Date: 09.11.2004
I was fortunate to see your concert in Moscow whilst witha bus tour party. I was the person who gave a solo standing ovation to the performance ofyour soloist of asian appearance. I was so impressed with the quality of his performance and the passion with which he presented it that it was dissapointing my adulation was not shared by other members of the audience. Do you produce videos or DVD recordings. I would like to acquire either if at all possible. Thank you for a memorable evening.

Name: Arnaud Marks
Date: 08.10.2004
I would be grateful if you would send me details on the tour your ensemble will make in Holland in december 2004. Places, dates and times.
Thanks in advance.
Dr Arnaud F. Marks

Name: W. van Stipdonk
Date: 08.10.2004
Dear members of "Zlatoust" ensemble,
we are very pleased with your visit to Eindhoven. We hope you will have a nice concert at the Frits Philips Music Center on december 13th. with the Royal Male voicechoir "La Bonne Espйrance".

Name: Jan van Heuvelen
Date: 01.10.2004
Dear Ensemble Zlatoust,

We are very happy you wil visit Enschede on december 15.
All the menbers of the probusclub Enschede-Lonneker and 3 more probusclubs in cooeration with us, welcome you an Marie Therese ter Haar.
See you soon!!!

Jan van Heuvelen,

Name: Heinz Kreuzhuber
Date: 23.09.2004
Ich hatte wдhrend meines Aufenthaltes in Moskau im Juni 2004 den groЯen GenuЯ, Ihre herrlichen Stimmen hцren zu kцnnen. Leider sind auf der CD, die ich mir damals kaufte, nur wenige besonders der russischen Volkslieder zu hцren. Kommen Sie auch einmal nach Deutschland (mцglichst nach Mьnchen)? Ich wдre der Erste, der sich Karten besorgen und einen Besuch jedem Bekannten wдrmstens empfehlen wьrde! Viel Glьck weiterhin und herzliche GrьЯe aus Deutschland! Heinz Kreuzhuber

Name: Naomi and Samuel Menchik
Date: 10.09.2004 16:06:00
Dear Zlatoust
My wife and I were privileged to be at your concert on september 9th 2004
to hear your wonderful voices
Let me know if you ever get to ISRAEL

Name: Marianne
Date: 12.08.2004 12:38:00
Hello Zlatoust,

I saw you perform in Moscow in june and I was wondering when your group is coming to The Netherlands. Because I can't find any tour dates on your website, maybe that's a good idea to do.

I hope you can give me some dates, so I can see you perform again in The Netherlands. Greetz Marianne

Name: Ilana & Asher B-Y
Date: 11.08.2004 12:38:00
We liked your concert very much, it was really impressive.

Name: Lila and Howard Vultee
Date: 07.08.2004 12:38:00
We were on a tour from Moscow to St Petersburg last month and were privileged
to hear your incredibly beautiful concert.Fortunately, we purchased your CD's
which we seem to be playing constantly.

We would love to have you sing in our part of the world, Camden, Maine where
we have a chorus that has made several trips to Russia and would be thrilled
to host you. We have a wonderful chamber music series in a beautiful opera
house where we would love to hear you sing.

How may we help you come to the United States?

Thank you for the highlight of our tour.

Lila and Howard Vultee
Camden, Maine

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