Dear guests!

Here you have an opportunity to write down your comments, to exchange opinions with other readers of this site, to ask questions or just to establish new contacts.

We would love it if you would Add to this guestbook we are keeping!

Name: Blondet
Date: 08.03.2010 17:05:00
Trиs belle chorale que j'ai pu entendre lors d'un voyage а Moscou en aoыt 1997. Excellente maоtrise transmettant une йmotion trиs forte au public par leurs chants sacrйs et folkloriques. Bravo et fйlicitations а cette chorale.

Name: Jos and Dinie van Eck
Date: 22.08.2009
We enjoy your concert on our last tour in april 2009 to Russia Moskow/Petersburg. We wish your group all the best in the future. Thanks. Jos en Dinie

Name: Amnon Gross
Date: 08.08.2009
The concert we heard had been one of the hihelights of our tour in Russia. Thanks for the unforgetable evning.

Name: Pauwels Ferdi
Date: 12.07.2009
Dear Singers, Although i am not a fan of choirmusic, i must say that i was pretty impressed by your performance, almost everybody of our Belgian group was very enthousiastic after listening to your ensemble in the Old English Court in Moscou on June 8 2009 . I wish you a lot of success in the future. Many greetings from Belgium Pauwels Ferdi

Name: Hennie Aveling
Date: 10.02.2009
Ik Heb 5 jaar geleden genoten van uw concert in een heel klein prachtig kerkje in Moskou, wanneer komen jullie een keertje in Holland of Belgie zingen, ik zou jullie nog een keertje willen horen zingen, Het was PRACHTIG. Nog veel succes en groetjes van Hennie Aveling

Name: Charlie
Date: 07.10.2008
Where can I buy a copy of your CDs and DVD? I was able to buy a used CD from 1995, but I want some more current recordings. Thank You.

Name: Ivan Kovalenko
Date: 03.10.2008
I'm pleased to listen to your shows!

Name: Paul
Date: 19.09.2007
To all of you, In 2006 I was in a small concert of the Ensemble and it was a great performance. I want to ask you if you are planning to come to Holland for any concert? With regards, Paul Ziekman

Name: Mr.J.Clement
Date: 15.06.2007
It was an wonderfull evening with gravely and cheerfully songs. For me it was an experience ! Thank you very much

Name: eliahu
Date: 15.06.2007
Thanks very mouch for a wonderfull concert - the group from ISRAEL on the 4th of june with SERGEI. Eli.

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