Dear guests!

Here you have an opportunity to write down your comments, to exchange opinions with other readers of this site, to ask questions or just to establish new contacts.

We would love it if you would Add to this guestbook we are keeping!

Date: 29.08.2003 12:38:00

Name: Judy Stafford
Date: 29.08.2003 12:38:00
In late July I was very fortunate to hear you sing at that lovely church in Moscow as part of my Smithsonian tour. It was the highlight of the trip for me. I bought your CD of church music and now each morning I awaken to it playing on my CD clock radio. What a wonderful way to meet the day. Thank you so much for all the joy you bring to others.

Name: Arnold Goverde
Date: 26.08.2003 12:38:00
Dear members of Zlatoust,

last week I had the great fortune and privilege to attend one of your concerts in Moscow. Never before I have been so touched by the human voice as during that concert. I don't feel ashamed telling you it was difficult to keep my eyes dry. In the end off course I failed!
I would like to thank you all for sharing your pure art with me, and I hope we will meet again should you ever come to Holland in the future!

Arnold Goverde
The Netherlands

Name: Allon Klebanoff
Date: 14.08.2003 12:38:00
I am a historian and lecturer from Israel. Since 1999 I have been arriving in Moscow
with students of mine or on touring seminars.
EVERY visit I am making a point of going to a Zlatoust Choir concert because of the
wonderful atmosphere, the exceptional level of music making, the diversity of the
programme, and on the whole - always an experience!!

Thank you so much,

Allon Klebanoff, Israel

Name: Allon Klebanoff
Date: 14.08.2003 12:38:00
I am a historian and lecturer from Israel. Since 1999 I have been arriving in Moscow
with students of mine or on touring seminars.
EVERY visit I am making a point of going to a Zlatoust Choir concert because of the
wonderful atmosphere, the exceptional level of music making, the diversity of the
programme, and on the whole - always an experience!!

Thank you so much,

Allon Klebanoff, Israel

Name: Bruno Anders
Date: 27.07.2003
Wir haben das Gl?ck gehabt ein Konzert von Euch am 11.7.2003 in Moskau erleben zu d?rfen. Es war ein einmaliges Erlebnis in dieser kleinen Kirche euren sch?nen Stimmen zuh?ren zu d?rfen. Gerne h?ren wir eure Musik von der CD. Wir w?nschen euch viel Erfolg in der Zukunft! Mit freundlichen Gr??en Heidi & Bruno Anders

Name: Rainer u. Christine Gollesch
Date: 15.07.2003
Liebe "Meistersinger", Ihr wart und seid SPITZE !!! Anläßlich unserer Flußkreuzfahrt von St.Petersburg nach Moskau hatten wir in Moskau die Gelegenheit (9.7.2003)Euch zu hören und zu sehen.Da meine Gattin eine Kirchenchorsängerin ist, wollten wir Euer Konzert hören. Es ist natürlich kein Vergleich mit unserer Sangeskunst, wir waren und sind von Euch hingerissen ! Eure CD zu Hause (in Österreich) hören und wir sind im Geiste bei Eurem Vortrag. Es war so ein Genuß, daß es uns kalt über den Rücken lief. Seid herzlich bedankt und wir wünschen Ihnen weiterhin so großen Erfolg und einen so guten Zusammenhalt in der Gruppe. Sollte mal ein Österreich-Besuch stattfinden, wir müssen es wissen. Herzliche Grüße aus Austriwij !

Name: Joy Rijnders
Date: 19.05.2003 12:38:00
I saw you on May 10th for me it was the second time and it was even better than 3 years ago. It was in the same little church and I want to thank you for the wonderfull hour I had. It was the best part of my journey if I come another time hope to see you again.
Wishing all the members of the Moscow Ensemble lots of luck and a good health. Thank you again. Joy Rijnders from Oosterhout Holland

Name: Steve Carr
Date: 15.05.2003 12:38:00
Dear Friends

I was part of a Canadian group, which I think must have shared the church
with Els, Kees, and Coosje at the end of March.

We too enjoyed the vigor and beauty of the performance, in a perfect setting.
I hope we can find a way to get you to Canada so that more people can hear you

best wishes from Steve & Justyna in St. John's, Newfoundland

Name: Kees and Coosje
Date: 14.05.2003 12:38:00
Dear singers,
Last week we visit the concert of you in that wonderful church.
We enjoyed all of you from the beginning till the end of your program.
Good luck and healthness for all of you and Russia!
Kees and Coosje from Holland

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