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Name: Kunibert Foerster
Date: 10.07.2004
Am 27. Mai 2004 haben wir Sie im alten englischen Hof in Moskau gehoert. In der intimen Atmosphaere des alten Gemaeuers waren Ihre geistlichen und weltlichen Lieder ein musikalischer Hochgenuss. Wir denken gerne an diesen Abend zurueck als einen der Hoehepunkte unserer Russlandreise. Die mitgebrachten CD's sind eine bleibende Erinnerung. Herzlichst Ingrid und Kunibert Foerster

Name: Claude and Sarah Alony
Date: 01.07.2004 12:38:00
on 20 or 21 of June 2004, we discovered Moscow and your group. We discovered the real true art of chorus.
We loved your repertoire, we loved your group, we loved each of you individually.
Please, please come to Israel.
Israel who loves art, Israel where one milion of Russian are living.

We wait for you

Claude Alony
Habrigada 8
75 214 Rishon
tel 039642666

Name: Barbara Johnson
Date: 30.06.2004 12:38:00
I attended a short concert by your wonderful ensemble on July 16, 2004 at the Tseretely Gallery in Moscow while I was on a group trip to Moscow and St. Petersburg. It wasa only the second day of our trip, and unfortunately, I did not have the good sense to purchase one of your CDs while I was there. I would like very much to give one to my sister, who is a musician and who was supposed to go on the trip with me, but her husband is ill with Parkinsons. Is there any way that I can obtain your CD of Russian religious music? That is what she would like best. Please let me know. I live in Princeton, New Jersey, USA, and could give you my address and a credit card number.
Barbara Johnson

Name: Barbara Johnson
Date: 30.06.2004 12:38:00
I attended a short concert by your wonderful ensemble on July 16, 2004 at the Tseretely Gallery in Moscow while I was on a group trip to Moscow and St. Petersburg. It wasa only the second day of our trip, and unfortunately, I did not have the good sense to purchase one of your CDs while I was there. I would like very much to give one to my sister, who is a musician and who was supposed to go on the trip with me, but her husband is ill with Parkinsons. Is there any way that I can obtain your CD of Russian religious music? That is what she would like best. Please let me know. I live in Princeton, New Jersey, USA, and could give you my address and a credit card number.
Barbara Johnson

Name: Thieu Arts
Date: 30.06.2004 12:38:00
Dear members of Zlatoust,
In a company of amateur icon painters my daughter and I had the opportunity to attend your concert on june 6th. A fine start of a roundtour from Moscow to Vladimir-Suzdal, Kostroma, Jaroslavl, Rostov, Sergiev Posad and other places. Your concert turned out to be a perfect match to the beautiful icons we saw.
Thank you very much; we hope you will carry on in this way for many years to come. Wish you all the best of luck and and God's blessings.

Name: Sabine Seil
Date: 14.06.2004
leider hatte ich, als ich in Russland war, nicht das Vergnьgen, eure tollen Stimmen zu hцren, deshalb meine Frage:"wann kommt ihr nach Berlin?"

Name: Bart Hekkert
Date: 11.06.2004 12:38:00
Dear members of Zlatoust,
On the 8th of June of this year, our excellent tourleader Wim Koomen of OAD-tours from Holland, brought us to a performance of your ensemble. It turned out to be one of the highlights of our holidays in Russia.
I'd like to thank you very much and hope that your ensemble will be as successful as it deserves to be in my personal opinion.
Good luck!!!

Bart Hekkert,
Den Helder, The Netherlands.

Name: Guenter Honeck
Date: 07.06.2004
Der krцnende Abschluss unserer Reise nach Moskau war der Besuch Ihres Konzertes. Gratulation an Sie fьr diese meisterhafte Darbietung. Sollten Sie eine Tournee durch Deutschland machen, werden wir versuchen dabei zu sein. Wie kommen wir an eine CD mit einer Auswahl ihrer Lieder ? Leider hatten wir aus Zeitgrьnden keine Mцglichkeit mehr, nach dem Konzert ein Exemplar davon zu kaufen. Noch einmal vielen herzlichen Dank !

Name: Langedijk
Date: 05.06.2004 12:38:00
Tijdens onze vakantie in Rusland zijn wij getuigen geweest van een prima voorsteling van het Moscow Ensemble. Wij wensen jullie veel succes bij jullie optredens en vooral in Nederland. Tot ziens

Name: Oscar Langsam
Date: 19.05.2004 12:38:00
Dear Zlatoust Ensemble

We listened to your Concert and were spellbound by your voices and repertoire.
It was a sheer delight for our ears and eyes. Keep on the good job and may God bless you all.

Hadassa and Oscar Langsam , Rehovot, ISRAEL
Ophir/Cathedra Rehovot Group --- May 2004

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