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Name: Annemarie Oudeman-Balder
Date: 03.11.2003
Ihr konzert war fantastisch in Moskou am 6 oktober Wen kommen Sie nach Holland?

Name: Wim Lammers
Date: 28.10.2003
Liebe Sänger, auf unserer Reise nach Russland haben wir ein Konzert Ihres Chores besucht. Es hat uns sehr gefreut sie singen hören zu dürfen. Wir haben genossen. Es war ein schöner Abschluss unseres Besuches an Moskau. Das Programm war sehr abwechslungsreich. Am Ende des Konzerts wurde uns mitgeteilt, dass sie nach Holland kommen. Wollen Sie uns bitte benachrichtigen, wann Sie nach Holand kommen und wo das Konzert stattfindet? Im voraus herzlichen Dank W. Lammers

Name: Berber de Haan
Date: 24.10.2003 12:38:00
Dear Zlatoust singers, just like Susan I was a member of the Dutch tourists group last week and I enjoyed your performance. Wonderful voices and technical skill. My compliments. I'll try to attend one of the concerts you'll give in Amsterdam. All the best from

Name: Berber de Haan
Date: 24.10.2003 12:38:00
Dear Zlatoust singers, just like Susan I was a member of the Dutch tourists group last week and I enjoyed your performance. Wonderful voices and technical skill. My compliments. I'll try to attend one of the concerts you'll give in Amsterdam. All the best from

Name: susan van der schoor
Date: 24.10.2003 12:38:00
Dear Zlatoust singers, On saturday, october 18th, our Dutch touristgroup, accompanied by our guide Olga, watched en heard your performance. It was great!!!
I enjoyed the different kinds of music and I also enjoyed your enthousiasm.
I will try to visit your concert in Amsterdam, next december.I will certainly recommand it to my friends.
I wish you all the best in your country. I was in St. Petersburg and Moscow for just 8 days but I have the feeling I will come back tot see more. It was just a beginning.
"Tot ziens"from Holland.

Name: John Bierman
Date: 22.10.2003 12:38:00
Venlo, 22 oktober 2003
The Netherlands

to: The Moscow Ensemble of Soloists "Zlatoust

As a Dutch group we have had the pleasure of meeting you and especially hearing you in one of the halls of the faculty of geografy, somewhere in Moscow. Eighteen Dutch people together on monday-evening the 13th of October. It turned out to be an amazing and "soultouching" evening for all of us. We didn't expect such a professionality with that high standard. When you are coming to Holland i.e. Amsterdam (perhaps the end of this year) I would like to hear from you by e-mail if possible. So perhaps we can meet again.

John Bierman
Negen Noemberweg 37
5916 LD Venlo

Name: Angelika Schieren
Date: 18.10.2003
Vielen Dank für diese wunderbare Darbietung. Ihre Stimmen sind einmalig und es war ein Hochgenuß Ihnen zuzuhören. Wir hatten das grosse Glück am Mittwoch, den 08.10.03 in Moskau einem Konzert beizuwohnen. Es war wunderschön. Vielen Dank. Ich hoffe, sie einmal in Deutschland hören zu dürfen. Mit freundlichem Gruß Angelika Schieren

Name: Albert van Iterson
Date: 06.10.2003 12:38:00
On September 27 we visited your concert in the old english ambasy building in Moscow. It was wonderful! Please let us know when you come to Holland by the end of this year.Hope to see and hear you here again.
Kind regards,
Gre and Albert van Iterson

Name: Derde Alfred
Date: 29.09.2003 12:49:00
Dear Friends,
Congratulations with the concert last week which we attended in the Saint Trinity Church at St Petersbourg.
We enjoyed it very much.
We wish you every succes also with the tours in western Europe.
Please let me know your programme of your trip to Holland later in the year
Kind regards

Name: Veronika Ruoss
Date: 18.09.2003
Liebe Solistinnen und Solisten In einer wunderbaren Basilica im Zentrum von Moskau hatte ich am 16. Sept. 03 das grosse Vergnügen Euch zu bewundern. Ein wahrer Traum ist es Euch zuzuhören. Eine Harmonie vom Feinsten. Ich bin begeistert von Eurer Kunst und hoffe sehr, dass Ihr Sponsoren findet, die Euch den Weg in die Schweiz ermöglichen. Jedenfalls werde ich für Euch aktive Mund-zu-Mund-Propaganda betreiben. Thats for sure! Good luck and Greetings from Veronika

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