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Name: Zippi Roth
Date: 22.06.2013
While touring in Moscow on june 2013 we were taken to your concert.We were a group from Israel and we all agreed that it was the "high-light" of our tour. Amazing, brilliant, fantastic! Thank you

Name: Trish O'Brien
Date: 19.01.2013
Your concert we saw in Moscow on Aug.19th 2012, was absolutely brilliant, my husband and i enjoyed it immensely the highlight of our brief moscow stay. The voices of the singers were amazing. from Trish O'brien, Melbourne, Australia

Name: Manfred Schwartz
Date: 21.10.2012
Hallo, wir waren im August diesen Jahres auf Ihrem Konzert in Moskow. Es war Alles in Allem hervorragend. Besonders war meine Frau sehr berьhrt. Leider haben wir vergessen eine CD zu kaufen. Wie lдЯt sich dieser Fehler revidieren. Wir ьbernehmen natьrlich alle zusдtzlichen Kosten. Es wдre schцn, wenn Sie sich melden. Liebe GьЯe von Ingrid und Manfred Schwartz

Name: Ирина
Date: 11.10.2012
Вы просто ВЕЛИКОЛЕПНЫ!!! Я на вашем концерте в галлерее Ильи Глазунова, с дочкой. Ваша музыка облагораживает, успокаивает, делает добрее, чище. Как хорошо, что у нас есть такие ансамбли! Желаю вам удачи и, как можно дольше, радовать нас своим талантом.

Name: Dr. B
Date: 10.10.2012
We enjoyed your Moscow concert last month at the gallery, so much that we bought both CD's and continue to enjoy them. We hope you come to the United States very soon so that we can again enjoy you in person. Please let us know if you do. We live in Florida but can travel to other states, if necessary.

Name: Karenne Norling - Australia
Date: 10.10.2012
AMAZING voices, shame there was not some english worded versions to an english speaking group, that would just ADD so much more to your presentation that was already AMAZING !!! what talet, good to see you take it around the word too

Name: Fьllemann Heini
Date: 09.10.2012
Herzliche Gratulation Am 21. September 2012 hatten wir die Mцglichkeit, Ihr Konzert in Moskau zu besuchen. Das war ein herrlicher Genuss. Ihre Stimmen sind fantastisch. Herzliche Grьsse Heini Fьllemann

Name: Jan Willemsen Zutphen NL
Date: 26.08.2012
thanks for your concert in august in Moskou I hope to meet you next year in the Walburg Church in Zutphen

Name: Peter Lensen
Date: 07.08.2012
Thanks for your concert Saturday 21 July, it was great. Had afterwards a small talk with your "leader" and heard about the tour you will make in the Netherlands next December. At this time no info found about places and data. Like to have program so we can plan next concert in our area

Name: Anna van Delft
Date: 05.08.2012
Thanks very much for the wonderfull concert in Moskwa om saterday the 28 off july

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